Old Beowulf vs. Mighty Dragon
    Alas! The now king of the Geats has been slain by a mighty dragon! Throughout the epic poem of Beowulf, Beowulf himself showed many traits and characteristics, some being good and some being bad. His courage and pride make up his good traits, while his greed and being overly proud make up his bad. In my opinion, Beowulf manages to stay a static character throughout the epic poem, that is, a character who stays necesarily the same throughout the story or poem.
    In the battle of Grendel, we see a very confident and proud Beowulf, who boasts about his power and might before the battle. Though he did not get the chance to take Grendel on one on one due to the monster's ambush, Beowulf still managed to slay Grendel, showing his great courage and fearlessness. We see this from Beowulf throughout the epic. 
    In the battle of Grendel's mother, again we see a very pround and confident Beowulf, who this time goes down into the lake to fight the monster alone. Showing great courage and pride, Beowulf manages to avoid death and slay Grendel's mother and her minion lake beasts, and while at it beheads the corpse of Grendel to bring back to Hrothgar. This may be a sign of greed, for this act was unnecessary and the arguement could be made that Beowulf had become too obsessed with fixing his family name. 
    In the final battle agaist the mighty dragon, again we see a proud and confident Beowulf for the final time within the poem. Beowulf only takes a handful of men with him to the sight of the battle, and before the battle he boasts for the final time. In an act of over confidence, Beowulf tells his men that he would enter the dragon's barrow alone, knowing of the great danger of the situation. This act, proved to be lethal for the king, who was fatally wounded from a dragon bite to the neck. One of his men named Wiglaf comes to his aid, and eventually Beowulf slays the dragon despite his injury. Beowulf, showing great greed, claims that he will be buried with the treasure that he fought the dragon for. 
    Beowulf stays necesarily the same throughout the epic poem. He is a hero who displays great strength, courage and pride, but he is not perfect. He shows greed, and at times over confidence and too much pride for his own good, which kills him towards the end of the novel. Beowulf is a static character.

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    October 2013

