Music means so much to me. I have a love for music, music of all genres. Primarily, I enjoy listening to Rap, Hip-Hop, Rock and Country, but I also enjoy listening to other genres such as Christian, Tejano, Alternative, and any other music that sounds good. I have always loved music. I admire the amount of time, effort and dedication music artists put into their music. The amount of talent it takes to write a decent rhyme, to sing beautifully, play an instrument amazingly and make rhythms and tempos electronically always amazes me, and the end result is good sounding music that I listen to and appreciate. Music works different purposes for me. Primarily, music works as a means of getting "pumped up", an outlet of my emotions and it gives me something to keep up with and enjoy. Music is a big part of my life.
     There are different ways that I listen to music. Whether it's a stereo, radio, in my car, coming from my phone or computer, or I have my earbuds or noise canceling headphones on, I'm listening to music. My favorite way to listen to music is when I use my noise canceling headphones. Being so comfortable and having great sound quality, my headphones serve their purpose well. It feels as if there is nothing on your head or over your ears when they are worn, and when turned on, most all noise is canceled and all you can hear is the music. They are really great.
     Music serves as a tool to "pump me up." If I have a sporting event, or even if it's just recreational, I always listen to music to get my "juices flowing." I mainly listen to Rap and Hip-Hop when I get pumped, and I also listen to it very loud. Also, I love listening to music while working out, for it gives me motivation and helps keep me focused on the workout. Music seems to have a natural way to pump me up when I need it to.
     Being a very emotional person, I get down about different things quite a lot. When I do, I can be found listening to R&B, Country or Soft Rock. Listening to slow and soft songs always makes me feel better. I feel as if I can express my emotions through the music and lyrics, which has a way of lifting me up and making me feel better. I run to music to soothe myself and make myself feel better.
     I have a lot of different artists that I listen to and that are my favorite. I keep up with the music these artists put out, whether it's a hit single or an entire album. I always look for release dates of songs, music videos and albums of my favorite artists, and I anticipate them with excitement. I can always be found in a store buying the album the day it's released, or on YouTube looking at the new music video for a hit single. New music has a way of bringing me excitement.
     Music means so much to me, and plays a big role for me. My life would be dull without music, for it brings life and color to my day.
11/17/2013 10:54:41 pm

I love you site is is so passionate <3


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    October 2013

